1. FAQ

  • Can I set several rules to the same role?

    Yes, you can. When more than one rules are added for a single role, members will be assigned with role if they fulfill either of the rules.

  • Will I lose the roles if I sell/transfer the tokens/NFTs or unbond my staking on the Octopus Network?

    Yes. Nepbot will constantly check the verified wallets to make sure the roles are updated in time.

  • If someone sells/moves the NFT how long will it take before their role is removed?

    Usually within minutes, depending on the RPC speed.

  • Can I link to multiple NEAR wallets with Nepbot?

    Currently no. WIP.

    You can use /verify to go to the verfication page, and click on “Disconnect”, then verify again with another wallet.

  • Except server owneer, can other admins add rules for roles?

    No, only the server owner can add rules.

  • How can I check if I’m verified or which account I’ve connected to?

    Use /verify and go to the verification page. You will see a green check and the connected wallet address there if you’re already verified.

  • Can I change the channel name for #nepbot-join or the private channel for admins?

    Yes, you can and it won’t affect the use of Nepbot.

  • Can I use Nepbot to verify music NFTs?

    Yes of course! :)

  • Can I change the properties of my NFT after I created it?

    No, you can’t. :( Please make sure the the properties are correct before confirming the creation.

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