• For everyone:

    /verify - connect to your Near wallet and get verified

    /checkwallet - check which NEAR wallet you’re connected to

    /listcollections - list all the collections created for this server

    /mint collection [name] - mint an NFT from the collection

    /check_proposal [contract address] - list active proposals in an AstroDAO

    /vote [contract address] [proposal ID]- vote for a proposal in an AstroDAO

    /poll [question][options] - create an off-chain poll in this channel. Users can react to vote for an option.

  • For server owners only:

    /setrule - set rules for the roles in this server

    /createnft - create NFT collections in this server

    /set_twitter_rule [role][rule] - set a twitter rule(follow, retweet, like) for a role. Users can get the role if they connect to their twitter account and meet the requirements.

    /ft_airdrop [role][token ID][total amount][amount per share][duration] - create a fungible token airdrop in this server. You can set the total amount, amount per share, required role to claim and duration for this airdrop.

    /create_snapshot [contract address] - create an on-chain snapshot for a NEAR contract.

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