1. Add Nepbot to Discord

0. Make sure you own a server first.

Don’t have a server yet? Click here to see how to create a server.

  1. Sign in to discord.
  2. Click here to add Nepbot to your Discord server.
  3. Select a server.
  4. Add Nepbot as an Administrator.


  5. After authorization, go back to your discord server, and you’ll find NepBot there. :)

    Nepbot will automatically created two channels :

    #nepbot-join : public channel
    #nepbot-settings : private channel for admins

    You can always change the name of these two channels.

  6. Upon added to the server, NepBot will create a role for itself in the Discord “server settings”. Make sure “Nepbot” is placed above any roles it will moderate in the role hierarchy. You can put place Nepbot below the admin roles to make sure Nepbot can never overrule Admins.

    To change role hierarchy, please go to “server settings” — ”roles” — hold and drag on the left of each role to manage role hierarchy.


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